"Dude, suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something."

Monday, May 5, 2014

Touching Down

Well, after somehow getting my arrival date an entire day off, I’ve managed to find my way to Louis Tavern Hotel today, May 5th. The power of suggestion is a funny thing. I just saw all these CIEE-Rs saying on the Facebook group that they were arriving on May 6th at 10:40 AM on Cathay Pacific flight 713, and I assumed that I was on the same plane because my plane number was also Cathay Pacific 713 arriving at 10:40 AM, except on the 5th. The reality of my mistake sunk in around 1,000 miles out of Hong Kong when I looked at the route map and the plane’s location and realized there was no way it’d take me 48 hours to get to Bangkok.

My conclusion was further reinforced when I landed in Hong Kong and did not see anyone remotely resembling someone from the Facebook group. So, I landed around 4:45 AM and had some time to kill before my 8:50 AM departure to Bangkok. I spent that time trying to make amends for my miscalculation by looking to book a hotel room for the night. Unfortunately, both my computer and phone were about to die, and I didn’t have my chargers with me, so there wasn’t much I could do. At that point I was really wishing I hadn’t wasted most of both my phone and computer’s power surfing Reddit at JFK.

So, I packed up shop and decided to get something to eat. I had had some kind of mushroom omelet dish for “breakfast” at around 2 AM on the flight from NY (it was dark in the cabin, I couldn’t really see what I was eating), so I wasn’t starving, but I needed some kind of sustenance to keep me going. I wasn’t feeling particularly adventurous, so after exchanging some USD for cold hard Hong Kong Dollars, I got a Sausage McMuffin. In retrospect, I probably should have held off on the Sausage McMuffin because we were served eggs and sausage on the flight from Hong Kong to Bangkok. Guess what I had for dinner before I left for JFK? Eggs.

10:35 this morning, I finally landed in Bangkok. Everything went smoothly through Immigrations, exchanging my money, and getting my bags. I didn’t have a reservation at Louis Tavern, but I didn’t have any other hotel’s location written down, so I took my chances and asked one of the cabbies for a lift. He said he thought he knew where Louis Tavern was. That wasn’t too reassuring. Well, perhaps against my better judgment, I got in the taxi with him. I was surprised to find there weren’t any seat belts in the back seat. This wasn’t too comforting when we were going around what felt like 70 on the thru-way. Thankfully, he didn’t lead me to a premature death, and he eventually found the Louis Tavern Hotel.

I’m running on minimal sleep and questionable food, so forgive any inadequacies in my writing. Once I get properly settled, you can expect more thorough and proof-read posts and definitely pictures.

Thanks for reading guys.


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